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How do I update my profile?
Click on the button below to download instructions on how to download your UTO Membership Card and update Profile Information
How do I use and update my Pink Pages Online profile on the website?
Go to Chapter info on the tool bar
Hit the drop down arrow and select "Pink Pages Online" enter your last name and choose view
You will see edit buttons on the side where you can make changes to your profile.
Click on the edit button and make your changes.
Make Sure you save your changes.
How do I update or change my picture
Follow the instructions for Profile Update and go to Pink Pages on line or
Go to Pink Pages Online click the first edit button
Scroll down to the bottom  of the page and you will see where you can upload or change your photo.
Do not forget to save.
How do I activate my profile
Follow the instructions for Profile Update and then
Click the first edit and see the example below.  Click the drop down button and turn on your information
What is the difference between our website, facebook page and listserve?
Our website is another form of communications for the Chapter.  It allows us to keep track of our documents; post events and meetings through a mutual calendar; keep track of Chapter members; post pictures; send emails and eventually keep track of funds.  We are able to communicate information for the Chapter and the public.  It is a place for the public and non UTO members to keep see what is going on in the chapter with our public calendar and photo gallery.



The listserve allow Chapter members to communicate through e-mail with the entire chapter. It consists of a business only side, and a non-business side, Please adhere to these rules when using the listserv to send e-mails.
Facebook is another communication deviced used by the UTO.  To find us on facebook search for Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter - Fort Washington, Maryland.   Facebook is another forum for us to communicate with the public and other Sorors. Our events are posted to this site and other public information.  
I know a Soror who does not have access to the chapter website. What do she need to do?
Please coordinate with the Pecunious Grammetus to obtain a Soror Profile Form.  Once completed, send the form to the Pecunious Grammetus for review and submittal to the Technology Committee.  The Soror will be notified by email when the website access has been granted.


How do I download the Free Conference Call software for online meetings?

Click on the button below to download the instructions

Downloading Free Conference Call Software Instructions

"Upsilon Tau Omega: One Voice, One Vision, One Direction"

Mailing Address:  P.O. box 44974, Fort Washington, MD 20749
If you have technical questions or concerns about Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter's website, please contact the Technology Chairman at